Product Name: PPW 221801P0900 | Product Name: PPW 221801P0900 |
Product number: 10059787905637 | Product number: 10059787905637 |
Store: Soxi Home Furnishings Exclusive Store | Store: Soxi Home Furnishings Exclusive Store |
Gross weight of the product: 1.0kg | Gross weight of the product: 1.0kg |
Origin: Chinese Mainland | Origin: Chinese Mainland |
Product number: 221801P0900 | Product number: 221801P0900 |
Category: flannel blanket | Category: flannel blanket |
Security category: Class A | Security category: Class A |
Applicable season: universal throughout the four seasons | Applicable season: universal throughout the four seasons |
Applicable scenarios: workplace, home, children's room, dormitory | Applicable scenarios: workplace, home, children's room, dormitory |